Behold the tackiness of my Downloads page. I never said it would be pretty damn it.

Most of these files you need to right click and save target as to get them to work properly.

-Files needed for KBF-Hangnails Centerline OP server that he runs whenever he feels like it. Also needed is Evil Dave's mission pack as well as EEk and TraceyG. A Link to those can be found here as well.

Fighterlist     ShipList     Link to SFCX  to DL ED's missions    EEK Missions    TraceyG Missions

-Files for my Ultra Early Shiplist I have been tinkering with for the past few months. (Don't have these up just yet)

ShipList    Fighterlist           

-Shipedit by Eagleye Downloads

EAW Shipedit, required for OP version as well

OP Shipedit, supports x tech and maulers